
The Pricing tab is used to collect pricing information related to your issue, so you can manage and track the current estimate price and see a progression of your pricing totals from rough order of magnitude (ROM) to Agreed. The Pricing tab can be used to record high-level pricing information in the Pricing summary or more detailed information on the Cost item pricing page. If you have more detailed pricing information related to the issue (for example, pricing sheet, pricing change from estimate, quote from sub), you can attach it to the issue under the Supporting Documents tab.

To access the Pricing tab, go to Change > Issue Log > [Issue name] > Pricing tab.

The Pricing tab includes the following tools to help you work.

 Pricing tab – tools




View project contract summary Opens the Project contract summary slide-out panel that gives you a view of the current project value, projected project value, milestones, and allowance category.


Jump to pricing section Lets you jump to a section of the Pricing page without scrolling.


Add supporting document Opens the Add supporting documents dialog box that lets you attach a document.


Row density Lets you choose the density of the rows from relaxed for easy viewing, narrow, and tight to maximize the number of rows you can see at a time.


Export to Excel Exports the pricing information, including cost item pricing, into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.


Add note Lets you add a note about the pricing.
7 Show Pricing summary Opens the Pricing summary page from the Cost item pricing page.
8 Show Cost item pricing Opens the Cost item pricing page from the Pricing summary page.